Book Contest

Book Contest
What saying (dealing with fraud) does this picture represent?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"They Cooked The Books"

People ask me frequently, "how did you come up with the idea for this book?" In my last post I talked about how a Beetle Bailey cartoon in May 2009 provided the enzyme for starting the writing process for this book, which is, as we speak, at the graphic artist and about ready to makes its way to my publisher. The very first event that happened which triggered this whole concept of the book was the day I walked into Joe's Pharmacy, San Francisco, Ca. and spoke to Tony, the Proprietor. It seems that a stock Tony owned "tanked over night" because, in his words, "The company 'cooked the books.'" When this information became "exposed to the light of day," Wall Street reacted with the result of the stock becoming virtually worthless." Tony's comment, "they cooked the books," forever was ingrained in my phyche. The year was 2008 but it took until May the following year to begin the writing process and 18 months of research and writing to bring the project to this stage. I can see the finish line (at least the one that brings the book to market) ahead and cannot wait to start marketing the book. Stay tuned...

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